Love versus Hate … Dr. Perwaiz Shahayar
Dr. Perwaiz Shaharyar
Listen, my dear! There are
Two kinds of emotions
God has gifted us
Either love or hate,
As per our fate.
If you hate
You will get your ego,
Grow and grow.
But if you love
You will find there is
Two types of love
Mundane and divine love
If you kneel down and
Shed your ego before one
It is your mundane love
But, if you kneel down and
Shed your ego before everyone
It is truly a divine love
Listen, my dear! There are
Two kinds of human beings
Mortal and immortal
As per our dreams
If you partially surrender
You will be forgotten,
Sooner or later
But if you surrender,
Whole-heartedly, to God
You will be remembered, forever
Like a great poet and leader.
Thus, love makes you immortal
Whereas hate makes you quite a fatal