My Soul is in a Hurry…Mario de Andrade
“My Soul is in a Hurry”
Mario de Andrade( Brazil)
I have counted my years
& felt that I have
Less time to live before me,
Than behind me.
I feel like a child that has won a box of sweets:
it does eat the first ones with pleasure
But upon realizing that only a few are left, it starts to really savour them.
I don’t have time for endless conferences
discussing statutes, rules, procedures & policies
well-knowing that it is going to accomplish nothing.
I don’t have the time to endure absurd people
who have failed to mature despite their age.
I don’t have the time anymore to
battle mediocrities,
I don’t want to be in meetings where
inflated egos parade.
I can’t stand manipulators and opportunists
I am annoyed by jealous people trying to discredit those of true mastership
in order to takeover their positions, talents and successes,
We humans hardly discuss real substance anymore
But instead, concern ourselves with labels or punchlines
My time is too short to discuss headlines,
I want the essential, the essence,
because my soul is in a hurry.
Without a lot of sweets left in the box.
I want to live among people who behave humanely,
People that are able to laugh at their mistakes,
And who aren’t smug about their successes
Who don’t prematurely believe to have found their calling
and who don’t avoid responsibility
those defending human dignity
and wanting to stick to truth and honesty, come what may.
It is the essential that makes life worth-living
I want to surround myself with people
who know how to touch the hearts of others.
People who have been taught by the heavy blows of life
how it is possible to prosper
by tenderly touching the soul.
Yes, I’m in a hurry.
I’m in a hurry to live with the intensity which only maturity can grant us.
I am trying not to waste any of the sweets left to me.
I am certain they will be more delicious than those I have eaten before
It is my goal to reach the end contentedly at peace with myself
and at peace with people I love and at peace with my conscience.
“We have got two lives and the second one begins once you realize you’ve only got one.”