STOP … Sana Janjua
Sana Janua
When a woman tells you
She doesn’t mean
The various antonyms of stop in your godforsaken thesaurus
She doesn’t mean
She has a thing for words that casually mean something else
She doesn’t mean
She secretly wishes to fuck you in public space to taste shock
She doesn’t mean
She has un sated sexual desires that you have to provide for
She doesn’t mean
That within her language there is ambiguity and space for further interpretation
She doesn’t mean
She hasn’t yet learnt to speak her mind like old times
She doesn’t mean
She is giving you a chance to try harder because the habit of trying is associated with the masculine in your personal diary
She doesn’t mean
This is her way of playing promiscuous submissive
She doesn’t mean
She has volunteered to adopt introversion as a lifestyle to be able to enjoy the playing of hide and seek with a tough man like you
She doesn’t mean
She has the same old over-simplified Maeve Binchy notions of single women dreaming of domination that you have
She doesn’t mean
She wants histrionic enactments of power in romantic relationships
She doesn’t mean
She desires to be imagined as the one who commands power over you while masturbating to your hunkish young looks
She doesn’t mean
She likes to be chased and caught
She doesn’t mean
There is erotic attached to being stalked
What she really means is