Dragon Warriors … Uhbaan Saqib

Dragon Warriors

 Rise of the Emperor

Uhbaan Saqib

Chapter 3: The Boy (news)

A boy came out of the house playing football in the garage alone. He was learning the rainbow flick from a video. He kept trying it again and again. Then he got so frustrated that he kicked the ball hard and it went flying out of the garage. The ball flew in the air and hit Alexander in the head.

He went outside the garage and saw the ball lying next to Alexander. “Mom”! “Dad”! screamed Alex (the boy). “There is someone dead here”! His mom and dad came out quickly and saw Alexander lying on the ground. They both gasped. “It’s him,” they whispered. “Let’s bring him inside, “Jennifer (Alex’s mom) said. “But why?” asked Alex. “We don’t even know him,” said Alex. His parents turned away lifting Alexander and bringing him inside.

“He’s alive,” said Jennifer. They waited for some time until Alexander woke up. When he finally woke up, he said, “Jennifer and Jacob?” Stood up and bowed. “Alex please go to your room” Jennifer said.

Alex angrily went to his room and shut the door loudly. “Alexander, what happened?” said Jacob. Then Alexander told them the whole story. After a while when they decided that Alexander would live in their house for a while Alexander turned on the news. There were two massive headlines that day. One of the headlines was the moon cut in half and NASA headquarters getting destroyed by something extraterrestrial as said on the news. The video showed the moon in its usual state; in the next second, it was in half.

Alexander knew it was the emperor of villains. 

“The moon’s coming closer!” Alexander told Jacob.

“It’s going to collide with Earth!”.

“Wait”! said Jacob.

“Doesn’t that mean…”

Suddenly Alexander’s eyes went wide.

“He’s going for the pendant!”

Chapter 4: The pendant

“The pendant is used to resurrect Akuji, the master or a higher supreme of villains and- “

Alex interrupted Alexander, who said, “Who’s that?” Alexander looked at Jennifer and Jacob and said, “Uh, my brother. “And who are you?” Alex asked. “Alexander. “

“Well, it’s my birthday tomorrow so you can join if you want,” Alex said. “Uh, yeah I’ll pass,” said Alexander. “Huh!” screamed Alex. “What you say to me!”

“Okay, calm down,” said Alexander. “I’ll join”.  “I was just joking; you can choose,” Alex laughed. “No, I’ll join,” Alexander said. 

The next morning Alex woke up expecting a huge celebration. He walked out of his room and went down the stairs. The living room’s light was off. He opened the fridge and found a cake box. He hungrily looked around to see if anyone was watching.

He made sure no one was watching and decided to open it.

He gasped. The cake was all rotten and smushed.

Then suddenly the light turned on and Jennifer, Jacob, and Alexander screamed “Happy Birthday Alex!”

Alex turned and went towards them and saw a perfectly made blue cake with Alex’s name on it.

After a while of looking at the cake and his gifts…

Then suddenly the cake turned red. “Uh, Mom is it supposed to change color?” Alex asked. “The baker never said anything about changing colors,” said Jennifer. “Well, I suppose it’s a bonus!”

Then everyone started talking loudly except Alex.

“Hello! It’s my birthday,” Alex said. The room became quiet and Jennifer told Alex to go on and cut the cake with his brothers and sisters.

Alex called Ben, Skyler, Colin, Jack, and Ajay to cut the cake with him. They all held his hand while preparing to cut the cake.

Then suddenly everyone stopped.

There was an eye coming out of the middle of the cake.

(To be continued)

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March 2025