SPELLBOUND …Ambreen Salahuddin
Ambreen Salahuddin
I have to open my window,
to hear the sound of rain
if I so wish to hear
and smell, watch and feel the rain on me,
taste it through my skin.
At the edge of my panic,
How I crave to open the window
To let you in!
Light thundering and shattering
into a thousand pieces,
bouncing back a silent glimpse
wind breaking into two,
bridging the void where
our voices left us!
Rain whispering your fragrant
breath in the branches,
swaying and tapping
at the window glass.
But to touch the spindle!
Carefully keeping my arms
at my sides,
inside the window!
Lest the spell might delicately break!
I will silence my whole day,
Sitting feverishly,
wont dare to open any windows!