گھونگھٹ اوہلے نہ لک سوہنیا ۔۔۔ بلھے شاہ
Syed Abdullah Shah Qadri, popularly known as Bulleh Shah, was a Mughal-era Punjabi Islamic philosopher
Syed Abdullah Shah Qadri, popularly known as Bulleh Shah, was a Mughal-era Punjabi Islamic philosopher
Bashir Badr is an Indian , Urdu poet Badar has written many gazalas. He has
Sara Shagufta was a talented Pakistani poet who wrote poetry in Urdu and Punjabi language.
Aun al Hassan Ghazi is one of the famous Pakistani poets. A potent voice in
Qurratulain Hyder (20 January 1927 – 21 August 2007) was an influential Indian novelist and short story writer,
Ghulam Hussain Sajid is a prominent Pakistani poet. He has perfection in his expression in
Author of half a dozen books including collections of short stories, poems and the translation
توں گھر چلا جا مصنف: مقصود ثاقب تبصرہ : راشد جاوید احمد پنجا ب
Masood Qamar is one of the finest poets of Pakistan. He loves humanity, has a
Saleem Kausar, , is a Pakistani Urdu poet. He has published several poetry books. He